Armazenamento de Sal - Grupo Arkema, França - Canhões de Ar + Serviços Manutenção - (conteúdo na íntegra em inglês)


A chemical plant in France was experiencing buildup in their salt storage facility and carryback along the conveyor from the facility.

At the Arkema Group chemical site in France, a salt storage facility that stores and supplies salt for the manufacturer Saumur had developed a lot of buildup from carryback along the belt. This buildup required a stop every six months for manual cleanup.


Martin provided several solutions to eliminate the carryback, and used air cannons to improve the flow of material out of the storage facility.

After reviewing the system, Martin Engineering recommended two solutions. First, Martin® Air Cannons were added to the storage hopper that supplies the salt. Martin® Air Cannons improve flow from silos, bins, bunkers and storage vessels, by knocking down rat holes, blockages and buildups, to boost plant efficiency. Additionally, a Martin® PV Cleaner was added with a Martin® QC2™ Secondary Cleaner to provide the most effective cleaning performance. The Martin® PV Cleaner uses an aggressive angle of attack to increase cleaning efficiency while the Martin® QC2™ Cleaner offers the convenience of a one pin blade replacement. And finally, Martin® Slider Cradles were added under the skirtboard of the transfer point to support the edges of the belt and eliminate sag.


Martin® Slider Cradles were added under the skirtboard of the transfer point to support the edges of the belt and eliminate sag.

After a month of testing, the problems have been corrected. The company is no longer stopping to manually clean up the buildup and carryback. MartinPLUS® Service technicians return periodically for routine maintenance.


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