Planta de Cimento, Conch Cement, Suzhou, China - Raspadores Primario e Secundario - (conteúdo na integra em inglês)


Conch Cement had excessive spillage on the return belt on the conveyors transferring limestone and clay.

A cement factory uses their #1003 and #1009 belt conveyors to transfer limestone and clay. The belt width is 1.8m and 1.2m and runs at a belt speed of 2.5 m/s. They were using a competitor's belt cleaners previously but they were not satisfied with the results. The factory workers had to clean up the excessive spillage daily on the return belt. The labor intensity got very high when the spillage mixed with water on rainy days. The factory was replacing the blades frequently at a great expense as well as paying workers to clean up the spillage during unplanned downtime, creating additional safety hazards.


The Martin® QC1™ Cleaner HD is suited for heavy-duty applications.

After conducting an on-site inspection, Martin Engineering installed Martin® QC1™ Cleaners HD and Martin® Secondary Belt Cleaners. Martin® QC1™ Cleaners HD can clean up to 90% of the carryback on the belt return. Martin’s patented CARP blade design maintains consistent cleaning through all stages of blade wear, which maximizes the belt life. Martin also organized on-site Foundations™ training for the plant workers. The MartinPLUS® Services team was contracted to perform routine testing and ongoing maintenance as well.


The Martin® belt cleaners have greatly improved the efficiency of the conveyors.

The customer was very happy with the belt cleaners. The workers only need to clean up a small amount of buildup once every seven days, which greatly improved the labor efficiency. Less spillage leads to less health hazards and environmental concerns. Martin belt cleaners protect the belt and reduce unscheduled downtime and emergency outages. The belt cleaners from Martin have made the conveyor system cleaner, safer and more productive.


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