Soluções em Pontos de Transferência Corrigem Problemas de Material Fugitivo em Termelétrica de Carvão (P1116) - Georgia, EUA - (conteúdo na integra em inglês)


Martin Engineering improved the conveyor transfer at Georgia Power’s Yates facility.

Suffering from extensive spillage and other problems, the plant’s coal-conveying system needed an extensive upgrade, including new belt cleaning systems and improved transfer point systems.


Martin Engineering proposed transfer point re-construction projects for plant Conveyors 1A/1B, which feed out from under the stockpile reclaim and Conveyors 3A/3B, which carry coal from under the surge bin toward the boiler house. The project included the installation of Martin® Impact Cradles, Martin® Slider Cradles, Martin® ApronSeal™ Single Skirting, Martin® Tail Sealing Box and Martin® Dust Bags. An installation crew from MartinPLUS® Installation Services completed the project.

In addition, the plant selected a number of Martin Engineering belt cleaners. “We used different combinations of primary cleaners and secondary cleaners, depending on the applications–what we thought would be the best for each conveyor and circumstance.” Among the belt cleaners installed were Martin® QC1™ Cleaners and Martin® Secondary Cleaners.


“We used to have a real problem with sealing the belt edges. But now, that’s been solved,” reports Craig Fowler, Fuels Group Leader for Plant Yates. “We need to do a better job with centering the load, but for the most part, our spillage problems are corrected.”

Now, transfer point inspections, as well as the installation and routine service for belt cleaners, are performed by Georgia-based MartinPLUS® Service technicians. Craig Fowler, Fuels Group Leader for Plant Yates said, “The MartinPLUS® Service technicians are here on a pretty regular basis. They are here to take care of the equipment. They make the systems ‘invisible’–that means I don’t have to worry about their equipment, and I don’t have to fuss to get them here. When I find a supplier with that level of service, I know the equipment is going to keep working and I know that I can depend on them. For me, it’s the service that makes the difference.”


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