Transfer Point Solutions Resolve Carryback At Kentucky Energy Plant
Produtos usados Vedação ApronSeal™ , Cortina de Pó , Janelas de Inspeção , Caixa Traseira Martin® Tailgate
Tipos de produtos usados Controle e Gerenciamento de Pó , Pontos de Transferência , Vedação da Correia , Suporte da Correia , Contenção , Proteção Traseira
[unset] MartinPLUS® Instalação e Manutenção
Indústria Usinas Termelétricas
cliente Reid/Green/HMPL Station, Western Kentucky Energy (A Subsidiary of LG & E) Seebree, Kentucky


MartinPLUS® Installation Services has rebuilt the load zones on 15 conveyors in the WKE’s Reid/Green/HMPL Plant in Sebree, Kentucky.

Conveyors 7A and 7B are side-by-side transfer belts carrying coal from the central reclaim tunnel to the HMPL Plant bunkers.


MartinPLUS® Installation Services completed a reworking of the conveyor load zones at the WKE plant, including new steel skirtboard walls, Martin® Wear Liner and Martin® ApronSeal™ Skirting.

MartinPLUS® Installation services installed a new transfer point system on the plant’s Conveyors 7A and 7B. Included in this system were Martin® Impact Cradle, Martin® Slider Cradle with center support rollers and Martin® ApronSeal™ Skirting. The crew installed new 18-inch (457 mm) skirtboard walls with abrasion-resistant steel Martin® Wear Liners, Martin® Tail Sealing Box, Martin® Inspection Door and Martin® Dust Curtains. The entire addition was connected and sealed to the existing chute structure.


Following the installation work by MartinPLUS® Installation Services, the plant’s Material Handling Leader stated in a letter that “the new load zones are performing great and have eliminated the majority of the spillage and dust problems that previously existed.”

Over a three-year period, Martin Engineering has redone the load zones on roughly 15 conveyors in the Reid/Green/HMPL plant.


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