Planta de Areia - Meio Oeste dos EUA - Serviços Manutenção - (conteúdo na integra em inglês)
Produtos usados Raspador QC1™ XHD , Tracker™
Tipos de produtos usados Raspadores de Correia , Pontos de Transferência , Alinhamento da Correia , Raspadores Primários
[unset] Manutenção especializada , Walk The Belt™
Indústria Agregados
cliente Sand Plant in Midwestern US


Martin Engineering's skilled service technicians have the knowledge and experience to take operations to the next level.

Handling an abundance of sand every year, the plant had little time or resources to spend on inefficiency. Due to the lack of proper belt cleaning, spillage and carryback were present throughout the entire plant, leading to immense material loss.

In addition to the plant wanting to improve its operation, MSHA mandated corrective action be taken towards containment and collection to cut the amount of dust in half.


Martin's trained experts walk the conveyor belts, inspect material handling systems and record data.

The plant decided to have Martin Engineering come in and perform a comprehensive review of the existing conveyor system. The MartinPLUS® Walk the Belt™ service included inspection of the conveyor belts from head pulley to tail pulley, while looking for areas of improvement in regards to safety, productivity and regulatory compliance.

After a detailed inspection, Martin recommended installing Martin® QC1™ Cleaners XHD to reduce carryback and Martin® Trackers™ to keep the belts properly aligned, preventing material spillage and damage to the belt's edge.


An immediate Walk the Belt™ report is generated and contains valuable information about the overall condition of the system

According to the plant, the MartinPLUS® Walk the Belt™ service utilizing tablets to generate on-site, immediate reports was worthwhile. The detailed report outlined the areas in the most need, allowing the plant to prioritize accordingly.

The MartinPLUS® Walk the Belt™ service also turned out to be an opportunity for MartinPLUS® Service Technicans to supervise installation and lend tips/tricks from maintenance personnel for maintaining efficient operations.

The plant is now considering a MartinPLUS® Specialized Maintenance program to maintain productivity and compliance with MSHA standards along with other containment and collection upgrades.


PDF - Printable Version of Case Study Download
Brochure - Belt Cleaners Download
Brochure - Transfer Point Solutions Download
Brochure - MartinPLUS® Services Download
Brochure - Martin Engineering Corporate Profile Download

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